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    Wheat Flour

We are leading International Trading Company exporting quality products to various countries as per our buyer's requirement. Currently we are exporting to India, Djibouti, Yemen, Iran, Jebel Ali, Oman, Kuwait, Madagascar, Srilanka, Tanzania, Afghanistan, Libya, Nigeria, East African Countries and West African Countries.

We are exporting high volume of cement per month to several destinations. We don't beleive in doing huge volumes, we beleive in customer satisfaction. Our experience in commencing cement export business with several countires have enabled us to follow buyer's complete documentation requirements and procedures. Which helps our buyer's to work smoothly with much more motivation on their local sales.

Our Banks are available for reference to ensure our regular satisfactory conduction of cement export business through them.

pipe, cement, ceramics, steel, plywood, cables, spices, maize, rice, sugar, corn, wheat flour, pipe exporter, cement exporter, ceramics exporter, steel exporter, plywood exporter, cables exporter, spices exporter, maize exporter, rice exporter, sugar exporter, corn exporter, wheat flour exporter, leading maufacturer and exporter, cement bags, tiger cement, gator cement, ordinary portland cement, sulphate resistant cement, portland blast furnance slag cement, Cloves, Cassia, Anise, Mace, Green Cardamom, Black Pepper, Dried Ginger, Cumin Seeds, Fennel Seeds, Super Basmati Rice, PK-385/D-98 Basmati Rice, IRRI-9 Long Grain Rice, IRRI-6 Long Grain Rice, 100% Broken Rice, White Refined ICUMSA 45 Sugar, Brown Sugar, wheat flour for bakery, wheat flour for home, Equal Angles, Un-Equal Angles, UPN Channel, IPN Channel, IPE - IPE A - IPE AA, Steel Rebar, Flat Bar, Square Bar, Round Bar, telecommunication cables, eletric cables, Flush Doors, Block Boards, Flexible Plywood, Marine Grade Plywood
  News Updates
Cement Exports from Pakistan during June-2009 was around 1,159,105 MT, Exceeding the benchmark of 1.00 Million MT, Afghanistan leading with consumption of 365,300 MT, India with 70,085 MT and Rest of the World imported 723,720 MT Cement from Pakistan. Source: APCMA.

Cement Exports from Pakistan during June-2009 was around 1,159,105 MT, Exceeding the benchmark of 1.00 Million MT, Afghanistan leading with consumption of 365,300 MT, India with 70,085 MT and Rest of the World imported 723,720 MT Cement from Pakistan. Source: APCMA.
  Our Services
Arrangement of Best Lowest Possible Container Freight rates and availability of Vessels.
Arrangement of Complete Documents required by the buyer or their Customs.
Arrangement of Comprehensive Insuarance to safeguard our buyer's interest.
Arrangement of Complete Inspection through SGS with authenticated & verified Certificates and Photographs.
  Contact Information
H.Y International Trading Company
Plot No-06, Sector B-X,
Karachi Export Processing Zone,
Karachi - Pakistan

Export Office Phones:
Tel: +92-213-508 3658
Tel: +92-213-508 3659

E-mail & Web:
E-mail: info@hyitco.com
Website: www.HYITCO.com


Freight Arrangements
Documents Arrangement
Flexible Payment
Wheat Flour
Quality Management
Quality Standard
Quality Policy

Tel:   +92-213-508 3658
Tel:   +92-213-508 3659
E-mail: Info@Hyitco.Com

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